Sermon Manuscript & Questions

So, You want to have a good day?

By Rev. Dr. Brent Russett – Asbury Free Methodist June 23rd, 2024 – 1 Peter 3:8-12             Most of use platitudes and phrases that become a habit. One of mine is “Have a great day.” When I am talking to someone in person, I seldom say, “Goodbye” or “so-long.” I…

Owning your identity

By Rev. Dr. Brent Russett – Asbury Free Methodist Church June 9, 2024 – 1 Peter 2:4-12             Who are you? Over the last twenty years, our world has become obsessed with identity. If you are of European descent and were to time travel back a couple of hundred years…

Living Well in this World

Part 3 – 1 Peter By Rev. Dr. Brent Russett – Asbury Free Methodist June 2, 2024 – 1 Peter 1:13-2:3             About 25 years ago, I took a three-month sabbatical. Lynda and I packed up our then 1 year old daughter Amy and our three-year-old son, Ethan, into our…

Concerning this Salvation…

By Rev. Dr. Brent Russett – Asbury Free Methodist May 26, 2024 – 1 Peter 1:1-12             I don’t often preach the same passage of scripture two Sundays in a row. However, I am going to do that today so that you can get the full impact of verses 10-13….

The Tensions of Life

By Rev. Dr. Brent Russett – Asbury Free Methodist May 19, 2024 – 1 Peter 1:1-9             We are starting a new sermon series this morning. I have titled it “A Summer Tour through 1 Peter.” We are going to be camping in the book of 1st Peter from now…

Broken Cisterns and Living Water

By Rev. Dr. Brent Russett – Asbury Free Methodist – May 5th, 2024 Jeremiah 2:1-13             I have been thinking about the book of Jeremiah lately. Jeremiah is known as the weeping prophet. – so if you are looking for a positive, uplifting book, I don’t recommend Jeremiah. But there…

Christus Victor and Palm Sunday

By Rev. Dr. Brent Russett – Asbury Free Methodist March 24, 2024 – Matthew 21:1-17     I want to take you back to ancient Palestine at the time of Jesus. Not because all of you love history but because those who don’t learn from history are destined to repeat it. There…